SOCIALISATION - There's a good chance that it's not what you think it is.
Socialising your Puppy from an early age is really important, as under-socialised Puppy - and an over-socialised Puppy - can become fearful or 'over reactive' to things in the world around them
Even before they have completed their vaccinations, it's important to carefully expose them to things in their environment. Just because they can't walk on the ground, it doesn't mean that they can't experience new sights, smells and sounds when out and about
Socialisation is about giving our Puppies the tools and outlook on life to navigate through our society with minimal stress to themselves and others.
Aimed at Puppies between the ages of 3-16 weeks of age, our six week 'Ultimate Guide to Puppy Socialisation' will hold your hand & help you seamlessly navigate this wonderful new adventure with your own unique Puppy. We'll show you how to get creative and find ways to safely expose your Puppy to new locations without it all becoming a little bit too much for them
This course is the perfect starting point for when Puppy first arrives home with you
By following this week by week guide, you'll be sure to give your Puppy the very best start in a long and happy life with you
These early positive experiences early in their lives make a huge difference
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