Canine Functional Analysis

Working in collaboration with other Dog Trainers, Behaviourists, Dog Walkers, Groomers, Complementary Therapists & Vets

Have you tried multiple Trainers or Behaviourists with no real lasting results, regardless of the methods used?

Has your Vet declared your Dogs issue(s) as behavioural rather than medical?

Do you ever catch your Dog sitting strangely, walking oddly or being grumpy for no apparent reason? 

Do any of the following describe your Dog?

  • Reactive towards other Dogs, people or both?
  • Sensitive to noises?
  • Generally anxious?
  • Distressed when left alone?
  • Guards space, food or items?
  • Hyperactive?
  • Eats various non-food items?
  • Muzzled for Vet or groomer visits?
  • Over grooms, nibbles or licks at body obsessively?
  • Struggles to settle?
  • Clingy?
  • Ball obsessed?
  • Spins or chases their tail?
  • Barks incessantly for no apparent reason?
  • Reluctant to sit when asked?
  • Initiates contact but then growls, snaps or snarls?
  • Pulls excessively on lead?
  • Licks furnisher/carpets/rugs?
  • Reluctant to get into or out of a vehicle? 
  • Does 'zoomies' during or after exercise?
  • Digs - indoors or outdoors?
  • Herds your legs?
  • Bites the lead?
  • Jumps up constantly?
  • Unpredictable?
  • Chews at their paws/limbs?
  • Pants when they're not hot?
  • Doesn't like to be handled?
  • Aloof?
  • Not tactile?
  • Dislikes their walking equipment being put on, but 'happy' once out?
  • Refuses to walk intermittently while out on lead?
  • Drinks 'dirty' water, but not from their own water bowl?
  • Air snaps at nothing?
  • Intermittent or constant poorly tummy?

In isolation, one or more of the above list may not be concerning. We all have 'off days' after all and breed traits can never be discounted. However, if your Dog frequently displays one or more of the behaviours listed (and this list could have many more behaviours listed! These are just the common ones!) it's definitely worthy of further investigation. Even if you have embarked on a vet check previously to rule out physical issues.

But what will a functional analysis do to help?

In a recent study by Daniel Mills and his colleagues at Lincoln University (2020) it was discovered that approximately 80% of Dog behaviour cases had some kind of underlaying pain or discomfort as the source of the issue.
This highlights the importance of ensuring that all Dogs are physically sound before we begin any form of behaviour modification with them.

Often, a consult with a Vet results in the Dog either freezing and shutting down, allowing physical manipulation without showing any sign that there may be a problem, or they can be so pumped full of adrenaline (through excitement or fear) that any potential discomfort is masked.

It's not always a limp or a whine!
Pain related behaviour is extremely complex. Dogs don't often show that they are in discomfort in the ways that we would expect. It's often subtle and can go unnoticed for days, weeks, months or even years! It can be seen in behavioural changes - even the very slight ones that we may not feel are relevant.

Sometimes however, a Dog may not give any obvious behavioural clue that they are in discomfort but, just like us Humans, our Dogs will change the way they hold themselves (posture) the way that they move (gait) and the way that they simply go about their every day business (functional) if they are feeling any discomfort.

With specialist training, we can confidently spot potential signs of any discomfort and relay them to your vet so that you and your Dog can find relief while we simultaneously help to manage your Dogs behaviour at the same time.
We are also happy to work in collaboration with your own trainer/behaviourist & simply conduct the functional analysis on your behalf.

Okay, I need a functional analysis for my Dog - what happens next?

Step One:
All About Your Dog - Deep Dive
This can be carried out either in person or over zoom. Lasting approximately 90 minutes, I take a look at what life is like for you and your Dog. Be warned - I want to know EVERYTHING, which often leads us down previously unexplored territory.

Step Two:
Data Gathering
Additional information in the visual form of photo's and videos of your Dog doing various activities of daily living so that I can assess any physical issues.
I can help with some aspects of this in a totally 'hands off' way.
A full 'How To' guide will be provided.

Step Three:
Evidence Analysis

I then spend time going over all the data and information given to me in the consult so that I can build the full picture of what is going on for your Dog.

Step Four:
Veterinary Report & Liaison

I will construct a comprehensive veterinary report with all corresponding evidence and liaise with your vet to present the findings, and to ensure that any underlaying health issues are diagnosed and supported to lessen the impact on your Dogs behaviour.

Step Five:
Behaviour Management Plan

This may be short term to help you to micro manage behaviour while additional veterinary support is given, or longer term help can be discussed depending on assessment outcomes. Either way, I will make sure that you have full support during the initial assessment.

Functional Analysis Investment: £169

Professional referral: 

We work in collaboration with other Dog trainers, behaviourists, Dog walkers, groomers, complementary therapists & with Vets.
If you have a client & you suspect that pain or discomfort is the driving cause of their Dogs behaviour please email us: 
to discuss this further.

Dog trainers & behaviourists: We are happy to simply conduct the functional analysis while you work with your client on any behavioural management & modification practises.
You will have our full support while the assessment is on-going & beyond if you require.